Gerson Fajardo-Brühl completed his undergraduate degree in biomedical engineering in Spring 2023 and will continue his academic career in graduate school this fall.

作者:Gerson fajardo - br hl

If you had told me nine years ago that I would be the first person in my family to graduate from college in this country, I would have probably said ‘one can only dream.’ My path to Senior Walk began in San Pedro Sula, the second-largest city in Honduras where I grew up before moving to Mexico City and eventually to Bentonville at age 14. After graduating high school, I made one of the best decisions in my life, to 去全网最大的彩票娱乐平台. 我开始了人生中至关重要的一部分 where I would experience exponential growth and further develop skills in leadership 为我的社区激发改变.

I found one of the best ways to get involved on campus was to join the Associated Student Government (ASG) at the 全网最大的彩票娱乐平台. 我在ASG的时光是令人难以置信的 rewarding journey, one that allowed me to grow both personally and professionally. Over the last four years, I was a member of the Freshman Leadership Forum, the Associate Member Program, and held positions of leadership such as Deputy Director of Student 安全及学生安全主任.

Fajardo-Brühl and fellow members of ASG col实验室orated with other groups for the annual Safety Week programming efforts at the Arkansas Union to promote a safe environment 为所有在美国大学的人.

In these roles, I had the opportunity to organize the campus Glow Run and Safety Week 事件. More than 1,800 members of the campus 社区 attended both 事件 combined, which was encouraging, as it showed how many of our students, faculty and staff want to make a difference in advocating for safety initiatives. 这一切都不会发生 been possible without the help of a number of col实验室orators and our Northwest Arkansas 社区.

从左至右: Madison Mikuska (Director of SafeRide), Lauren Loften(22/23 Student Body President), Gerson Fajardo-Brühl, Hailey Hoog(23/24 Student Body Vice President), Aidan Bhargava (23/24会员发展协调员)

Being a part of the Northwest Arkansas 社区 and campus 社区 at large is 最重要的 rewarding things that I’ve had the opportunity to experience

In Fall 2021, I joined an extraordinary 社区 of undergraduate student leaders in the U of A Office of 招生, providing our time to welcome and guide prospective students, sharing our personal experiences and providing them with first-hand information 全网最大的彩票娱乐平台. 作为大使,我们接受我们的角色,体现 the spirit of the 全网最大的彩票娱乐平台 and showcasing the strong sense of 社区 这定义了我们的校园.

Throughout the year, Fajardo-Brühl gives tours of campus to prospective students and 他们的父母 帮助他们想象自己在美国大学的位置

To many college students, the start of a new semester brings a feeling of excitement 以及对未来的期待. 然而,COVID-19大流行仍在持续, and I felt a calling to serve by joining the Pat Walker 健康 Center in their clinical 实验室. I’ve always thought the 实验室oratory could be a place of heightened anxiety for many, as the fear of needles and uncertainty about test results weighed heavily on 那些寻求帮助的人的思想. It was during those moments that I found my purpose—providing 用同理心和优雅来关怀他人. In my case, the beginning of the Fall 2021 semestermarked a turning point in my life, a time of unprecedented change that tested every sense 面对逆境意味着什么. I lost a big part of my life, my mother, on August 24th, 2021, who was a figure that had raised me to become who I am today.

Her passing inspired me to continue working in the field of regenerative medicine and is the type of research I plan on pursuing in graduate school this fall.

Fajardo-Brühl was on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic, helping the Pat Walker 健康 Center conduct various tests and vaccination procedures, gaining first-hand 在他选择的领域有经验.

致托马斯·卡特三世和卡特博士. 布莱恩·希尔, thank you for being my guiding lights, my 导师们,我的冠军们. Your impact on my life and my future is immeasurable, and I will carry the lessons I have learned from you throughout my career and beyond.

My incredible journey through the College of Engineering would not have been possible without the unwavering support and guidance of two remarkable individuals: Mr. 托马斯。 卡特三世和博士. 布莱恩·希尔. They have been the pillars of my success, standing by my side and inspiring me to reach new heights with each passing day. 从那一刻起 I arrived in Fayetteville, both men saw my potential, believed in my abilities and 是我走上老年步道的宝贵导师吗.

From the beginning, since the 2019 ECAP Summer Bridge Program, 托马斯。 Carter III and 布莱恩·希尔 were mentors to Fajardo-Brühl, serving as guides in his academic journey.

My path to Senior Walk was not easy, but I knew I could achieve my goals from the 一开始. I am thankful for the support from my family, the faculty and staff, 还有我的同学们. The memories from my four years are just the beginning and I’m looking forward to more memories being made as I continue my academic career in 研究生院及以上.

I could not have made a better choice than to become a Razorback.